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Roast Citrus Chicken with Root Vegetables
Roast Citrus Chicken with Root Vegetables

1m read

Roast Citrus Chicken with Root Vegetables

You know what they say, cooking is one of the greatest gifts you can give to those you love so why not spoil the family to a delicious Roast Citrus Chicken with seasonal Root Vegetables. This healthy recipe delivers crispy skin, juicy, tender and tasty meat with a mixture of wonderful lemon, rosemary and garlic flavours in every bite!


With very little preparation time and one pot perfection, all that’s left to do is cook it in our Gemini Undercounter Petit Chef Oven. This oven is also known as the Feast Master as it allows you to effortlessly prepare large meals with its incredibly spacious interior. This means being able to cook a whole lot more without having to spend an entire day in the kitchen. In addition, its Thermofan bake feature is specifically designed for multiple meals to be cooked at the same time without any flavour or aroma transfer.

Not only does this dish look impressive, but it tastes even better. Once the lemon, garlic and thyme flavours begin to fuse together, you will have officially found the one and only way to roast a chicken. This recipe is also an ideal gluten-free meal for those of you who prefer to steer away from it. The lean protein from the chicken provides an important building block for your bones, muscles, cartilage and skin while the root vegetables are especially rich in soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps to boost the health of gut bacteria.


If you’re looking for a healthy yet scrumptious dinner for you and the family, then this is the recipe for you. Don’t forget to upload a pic of your #evenbetter Roast Citrus Chicken with Root Vegetables and tag us on Facebook or Instagram. Happy roasting everyone.


●      1.6kg whole chicken

●      1 lemon, zest and juice

●      1 lemon, sliced with skin on

●      2 tbsp oil

●      4-5 thyme sprigs, leaves roughly chopped

●      500g butternut, peeled and cut into chunks

●      300g beetroot, cut into chunks

●      300g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks

●      1 medium red onion, cut into wedges

●      1 garlic bulb, cloves separated

●      100g baby spinach leaves

●      100g baby spinach leaves


  1. Heat oven to 200°C.
  2. Put the chicken in a large roasting tin.
  3. Rub the lemon juice into the chicken.
  4. Place lemon slices and thyme sprigs under the chicken skin and on the breast and thighs.
  5. Rub in 1 tbsp of the oil and sprinkle with the thyme and plenty of seasoning.
  6. Roast for 25 minutes.
  7. Mix the butternut, beetroot, potato and onion in a bowl with the remaining oil, lemon zest, salt and freshly ground black pepper, and toss together well.
  8. Take the chicken out of the oven and place on a plate.
  9. Scatter the vegetables into the tin, nestling the garlic cloves underneath, then put the chicken on top.
  10. Return to the oven for a further 45 minutes, turning the vegetables after 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are tender and lightly browned.
  11. Take the chicken out and place on a warmed platter.
  12. Cover with foil and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
  13. Cook the spinach in a saucepan with a drizzle of water, and season with black pepper
  14. Scatter the vegetables around the chicken and serve with the spinach.

