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Thailand Millet Coated Cauliflower and Biltong in Curried Coconut Sauce
Thailand Millet Coated Cauliflower and Biltong in Curried Coconut Sauce

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Thailand Millet Coated Cauliflower and Biltong in Curried Coconut Sauce



Let’s pop in to Thailand for lunch, shall we? These curry connoisseurs are all about maximising simple, fresh ingredients through clever cooking processes and delicious aromatics. Crispy, golden cauliflower really sings when drenched in the sweet and rich coconut sauce. All things are improved with a South African twist, so don’t be shy with the biltong ;)



●      ½ Cauliflower Head, cut into florets

●      ½ cup stoneground cake flour

●      2 whole eggs, beaten

●      ½ cup millet (That has been refined with Defy chopping bowl- and blade attachment) to get a breadcrumb texture

●      Salt and pepper to season

●      30ml sunflower oil

●      1 small onion, finely chopped.

●      2 cloves of garlic, grated.

●      1 tin of coconut milk

●      30 grated fresh turmeric (or 30ml dried turmeric)

●      1 bulb of ginger

●      1 whole chilli, seeds removed and chopped

●      1 small bunch of coriander

●      Salt and pepper

●      Extra: fresh coconut, biltong to taste



For the millet coated cauliflower: blanch the cauliflower flower florets in a big pot of salted water.  Plunge the florets in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process. Pat dry with a paper towel.  Roll the florets in the flour, then followed by the eggs and lastly in the millet that has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Preheat the Defy Airfryer to 200˚C.  Place the florets into a basket and cook for 10-15 minutes or until the cauliflower is golden brown.

For the curried coconut sauce: heat the oil in a pan on the gas hob of the Defy Cooker. Sauté the onions and garlic together until caramelised. Add the coconut milk and then stir in the turmeric, ginger and chilli. Simmer for 5 minutes. Lastly add the coriander and simmer, covered with a lid to ensure the flavours can infuse. Season well with salt and pepper. Place the mixture into the Defy beaker and blend with the hand blender with the blending attachment until smooth. Strain through the sieve.

Serve the millet coated cauliflower with the coconut sauce, fresh coconut and biltong.

