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Vegetable Shakshuka with Your Favourite Blatjang or Chutney
Vegetable Shakshuka with Your Favourite Blatjang or Chutney

1m read

Vegetable Shakshuka With Your Favourite Blatjang Or Chutney
VEGETABLE SHAKSHUKA With Your Favourite Blatjang Or Chutney1



On today’s wonders of the culinary world, we’re swinging past Israel for breakie. We’re serving up shakshuka: a one-pot wonder that’s chock-full of flavour and ideal for a breakfast crowd. Shakshuka is also a great way to use up the odds-and-ends veg in your fridge in the tastiest way possible!



●      45ml sunflower oil

●      2 onions (sliced)  

●      1 garlic clove (grated)

●      2 tomatoes (grated for the juice)

●      60ml water

●      1 red pepper (sliced)

●      1 yellow pepper (sliced)

●      2 red or green chillies (de-seeded and finely chopped)

●      5ml desiccated coconut

●      5ml Durban masala, or any red masala

●      5ml garam masala

●      5m mixed spice

●      1 tin butter beans

●      1 tin kidney beans

●      4 carrots (grated)

●      Salt and pepper

●      Eggs, depending on amount of guests



Heat the sunflower oil in a pan on the gas hob of the Defy cooker. Once the oil is hot, add the sliced onions and garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Mix in the grated tomato with water and set aside. Add the peppers, chilies, coconut and spices in the onion mixture and cook with the spices for 2-3 minutes.

Add the tomato and water mixture and bring to boil. Add the tins of Koo Beans and carrots mix to bring the ingredients together. Allow to cook and season with salt and pepper.

Once you have reached a sauce consistency, crack the eggs on top and allow to cook at 160˚C in the Defy cooker for about 5 minutes or until the egg white has set. Turn the heat up to 180˚C for another 5 minutes.

