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All You Need to Know About the Defy 17kg Top Loader Washing Machine
All You Need to Know About the Defy 17kg Top Loader Washing Machine

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All You Need to Know About the Defy 17kg Top Loader Washing Machine
All You Need to Know About the Defy 17kg Top Loader Washing Machine1

Does the modern home need a washing machine? Without a doubt. If you’re reading this article, you’ve likely been scouting for information on various washing machines to find which one suits you best. To help you in your deliberations, we’re taking a closer look at the Defy 17kg Top Loader washing machine.


Come with us as we explore the features of this quietly incredible appliance.


The Defy 17kg Top Loader Washing Machine: What Do You Get?


The Defy 17kg top loader washing machine is a great choice for those who want a quality machine that can handle large loads.


Some of the features include

●      Aquawave Drum Technology

●      Fuzzy logic technology

●      LED display

●      10 Programs

●      10 Level Water Adjustments

●      Air Dry & Auto Balance Detection

●      Time delay

●      Durable Glass Lid with soft close

●      Stainless steel drum

●      End of cycle buzzer

●      Child lock function

●      Auto power off with Power Cut Memory


Below is a short video detailing some of the functionality of the Defy top loader machines.

Defy Top Loader Washing Machine Range


AquaWave Drum Technology


Aquawave drum technology refers to the design of the drum and how it behaves during the wash cycle. As a result of this smart feature, your clothing will be gently but thoroughly cleaned. Longer-lasting clothes and a cleaner finish - that’s a great start.


Fuzzy Logic Technology


Based on the amount of laundry, this program automatically selects the appropriate water level and wash programme. Cotton and blended items can be washed with this programme. It offers a fast way to get your washing on as you get on with other chores.


Multiple Programs


This large and robust machine not only looks good, but it would appear that its sole aim in life is to make your life as easy as possible. How so? Take a look at these options:

  1. Delicate: This programme is perfect for washing machine-washable delicate (cotton, blended and wool) items.
  2. Normal: This programme is suitable for thoroughly cleaning a full load of normally soiled, durable cotton and blended clothes.
  3. Quick: Use this programme when washing a small load of lightly soiled cotton clothes in a short time.
  4. Heavy: This programme is ideal for washing a full load of heavily soiled, durable cotton and blended clothes. The soaking function is set automatically, and the hot water inlet valve will be activated if available with your model.
  5. Auto: This is your Fuzzy Logic programme mentioned above. 
  6. Blanket: Use this function when washing bulky laundry items such as blankets and bed sheets - just be careful not to overload your machine. 
  7. Eco: Like the Quick programme, this setting is suitable for washing a small load of lightly soiled laundry in a short time, using the minimum amount of water.
  8. Soaking: Select this programme if you prefer to wash your laundry by soaking, which is an excellent choice for heavily soiled laundry items. 
  9. Rinse: Use this programme when you want to rinse or starch separately.
  10. Spin: This programme applies an additional spin cycle for your laundry or drains the water in the machine.


  1. Tub clean: To prevent unwanted odours and maintain the life of your machine, run this programme regularly to sanitize and clean your appliance. Add a special-purpose detergent designed for cleaning machines. Soaking, high water and 6 min air turbo options are set automatically in this programme.


Air Dry


The Defy top loader machine has a spin speed of 750 rpm, which offers more than enough force to eliminate most of the water from your load, and shorten the drying time of your clothing.


Time Delay


Set your washing cycle to start when you need it to, with a maximum delay time of 18 hours. Perhaps you want your load to be ready to hang before you shoot off to work, or maybe you want it to start later as you don’t want your delicates sitting in a damp drum for too long. Whatever your needs, just add your load and detergent, set - and forget.


Power Cut Memory


You know when you’re in the middle of a pile of laundry and the power goes off? As infuriating as that is, your beefy Defy washing machine will pick up where it left off as soon as Eskom turns the lights back on. One less thing to worry about!


Let’s Go Shopping


So, here we have a large, robust machine that can easily handle the laundry requirements of a large family, along with bedding and blankets, yet is still gentle enough to wash your delicates. And remember, you don’t have to worry about wasting water or electricity with the option to wash smaller loads quickly and with minimal water.


What more do you need?


The Defy 17kg top loader washing machine is available from Hirsch's, HiFi Corp, or Game.
