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The Best Way to Clean Your Dishwasher
The Best Way to Clean Your Dishwasher

1m read

The Best Way to Clean Your Dishwasher
The Best Way to Clean Your Dishwasher1

Keeping your dishwasher clean is essential for maintaining its performance and extending its lifespan. A well-maintained dishwasher ensures your dishes come out sparkling clean every time.


In this guide, we'll walk you through the best way to clean your dishwasher, providing you with effective tips and step-by-step instructions.


Why Cleaning Your Dishwasher is Important


Many people assume that dishwashers clean themselves while washing dishes, but that's not entirely true. Over time, food particles, grease, and soap scum can build up, leading to unpleasant odours, reduced efficiency, and even mechanical issues.


Regular cleaning helps prevent these problems and ensures your dishwasher runs smoothly.


Step-by-Step Guide to Dishwasher Cleaning


Before you start, gather the necessary cleaning supplies:

- White vinegar

- Baking soda

- A soft brush or toothbrush

- A microfiber cloth

- Dish soap


Cleaning the Interior and Filters


1. Empty the Dishwasher: Remove all dishes, utensils, and racks from your dishwasher to access all areas that need cleaning.


2. Check and Clean the Filters: The filters trap food particles and debris, so cleaning them regularly is crucial. Remove the filters, rinse them under warm water, and scrub with a soft brush if necessary. This step is vital for maintaining your dishwasher's performance.


3. Wipe Down the Interior: Use a microfiber cloth and a solution of warm water and dish soap to wipe down the interior walls, door, and rubber gasket. Pay special attention to areas where food particles tend to accumulate.


4. Run a Vinegar Cycle: Place a cup of white vinegar in a dishwasher-safe container on the top rack. Run a hot water cycle without any detergent. The vinegar helps break down grease, grime, and odours.


5. Baking Soda Rinse: After the vinegar cycle, sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and run a short hot water cycle. Baking soda helps remove stains and freshen the interior.


Tips for Maintaining a Clean Dishwasher


  • Regular Cleaning: Aim to clean your dishwasher thoroughly at least once a month.
  • Scrape Food Residue: Before loading dishes, scrape off large food particles to prevent clogs and buildup.
  • Avoid Overloading: Ensure there's enough space between items for water and detergent to circulate properly.
  • Use the Right Detergent: Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for detergent to avoid residue buildup.


Additional Resources


For more information on how dishwashers function, check out our detailed guide on how dishwashers work.


Also, learn about common dishwasher mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure optimal performance of your appliance.


By following these tips and maintaining a regular cleaning routine, you can keep your dishwasher in top condition, ensuring it provides you with spotless dishes and a fresh-smelling kitchen. Remember, a clean dishwasher is an efficient dishwasher!
